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If you want to provide your yoga studio’s clients with a memorable experience, developing a serene color scheme is of the utmost importance. Yoga is a contemplative exercise that increases the flexibility of the body and the mind. It is not only a simple kind of exercise. An essential duty for a yoga studio owner is choosing the ideal color to paint their space.
The Relationship Between Yoga, Chakras, and Color in a Yoga Studio
Color Psychology
It makes sense that seeing distinct colors would have an effect on that energy as each of your chakras produces a specific color as they vibrate at different speeds to help you focus on different aspects of your life.
Your energy vibrations may change if you concentrate on a particular color or if it dominates your field of vision.
Your chakras’ energy will pulsate and align with that hue.
The various concentrated energy centers within our bodies are referred to as chakras in ancient Sanskrit. Our bodies have seven main chakras, each of which corresponds to a particular color and aids in bringing harmony to our body and mind.
The 1st Chakra – The Root Chakra
Color: Red
Location: The center is located at the base of your spine.
Color psychology: Red is a very physical color. It encourages a sense of being rooted and associated with the earth. This color conjures up ideas and emotions related to instinct and survival. Red can give you an alert, watchful, and primal feeling.
The 2nd Chakra – The Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange
Location: The center is located a few inches below your belly button.
Color psychology: Orange is an inspiring and invigorating color. It fosters a sense of coziness and safety. Passion, pleasure, and sexualities are emotions and ideas that are associated with this color. Orange can give you a sensual, secure, and wealthy feeling.
The 3rd Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra
Color: Yellow
Location: The center is located a few inches above your belly button.
Color psychology: Yellow has a powerful emotional impact. It encourages a warm, self-assured attitude. This color conjures up ideas and emotions of bravery, hope, and self-worth. You may feel energized, ready, and capable when you are around yellow.
The 4th Chakra – The Heart Chakra
Color: Green
Location: The center is located in the center of your chest.
Color psychology: Green is an aesthetically pleasing and healthful hue. It encourages a sense of well-being and wellness in general. Compassion, generosity, and love are emotions and ideas that are associated with this color. Green can give you a feeling of well-being, alertness, and empathy.
The 5th Chakra – The Throat Chakra
Color: Blue
Location: The center is located in between your collar bones.
Color psychology: Blue is considered to be a cerebral color. It encourages a sense of being knowledgeable and reliable. This color conjures up ideas and sentiments related to obligation, communication, and reasoning. You can become knowledgeable, effective, and well-spoken by wearing blue.
The 6th Chakra – The Third Eye Chakra
Color: Indigo
Location: The center is located slightly above the center between your eyebrows.
Color psychology: Indigo is a profoundly spiritual color. It encourages a sense of being knowledgeable and spiritually advanced. This color conjures up ideas and emotions related to psychic energy, self-awareness, and tranquility. You can become mystical, smart, and perceptive through indigo.
The 7th Chakra – The Crown Chakra
Color: Violet-White
Location: The center is located at the top of your head.
Color psychology: Violet and white are neutral hues. They encourage a sense of unity among all. These hues conjure up ideas and sentiments related to spirituality, unity, and meditation. The colors violet and white can elevate and awaken your spirit.
Light Purple and Violet Colors for Your Yoga Studio

In order to determine the most popular color selections, we surveyed 100 yoga studios. The poll’s results are displayed in the graph above.
Painting Your Yoga Studio Shades of Light Purple and Violets
Violet, light purple, and white are universal colors. They promote feelings of being connected with all. These colors bring to mind thoughts and feelings of spirituality, oneness, and meditation. Violet and white can make you feel evolved, exalted, and spiritually awake.
A yoga studio wall painted in hues of purple or violet can help restore the unity between the creative, physical, emotional, inspirational, and intellectual realities and also contribute to an air of compassion in the environment. Additionally it:
Restores spiritual values
Deepens insight into activities
Overcomes feelings of anxiety
Integrate mind, body, and spirit
When painted with hues of purple or violet, a yoga studio, evokes within your members the feeling of “I let myself heal and be healed”
Painting Your Yoga Studio Lighter Pink Tones
The realities of inner serenity and the sacred space can be restored with the aid of a paler, lighter pink tones. Anger and resentment can be transformed into a healing energy by using a lighter hue of pink.
Envy, melancholy, wrath, and grief can all be resolved with the aid of spiritual healing energy. It also aids in overcoming the dread of dying. It can support in:
coping with stress for anxiety, melancholy, and irritation.
overcoming bad mental habits
Self-soothing, self-calming, and self-uplifting
The general confirmation that these hues bring for a client is the feeling of “I let myself be viewed as pure and good” when this color is chosen to paint a yoga studio.
Painting Your Yoga Studio Easy Greens
An easygoing or lighter tone of green might aid in giving the surroundings a sense of “the present.” It balances a person’s masculine and feminine personality qualities. Additionally, it frees the present and future from the constraints and hindrances of the past. Using greenery can also:
Establish a clear and truthful scenario
Find harmony and peace
Reduce anxiety
The general affirmation that these hues bring for a client is the feeling of “validity and righteousness of feelings” when they are used to paint a yoga studio.
Painting Your Yoga Studio Hues of Orange
Hue of Orange that are light and airy can encourage happiness and innovative problem-solving. They can also aid in overcoming self-doubt and inhibitions.
Orange can be beneficial for:
fighting off depression
lowering stress and raising low self-esteem
fostering a lively, upbeat atmosphere
When used as the color scheme for a yoga studio, it inspires a sense of personal space and kinship with all life.
Painting Your Yoga Studio Shades Of The Blues
The Blues provide motivating effects that improve performance at home or at work. The transforming energy of blue promotes greater communication and prayer while assisting in overcoming stress and insomnia. Blue is beneficial for:
lowering the impatience sensation
Sleeping more soundly and peacefully
When used as the color scheme for a yoga studio, it inspires confidence and freedom of expression.
Painting Your Yoga Studio Fresh Yellows
A yoga room painted a striking fresh yellow adds a powerful sense of free will. It has a joyful, brilliant radiance that radiates life, love, and inspiration. Yellow also represents the sun and spirituality. With the use of a light-reflective yellow hue, you can:
A positive and welcoming environment
increased awareness, vitality, and mental activity.
When utilized on the walls of a yoga studio, yellow can assist create an air of elegance, power, and ease.
This article is one of a series that goes into great detail on everything you need to know to start a yoga studio. You can view the additional posts in this collection here at Gift for Yoga Lover
Gardening also bring peace to your life, if you are a yoga lover and a gardener also, why not check out more of our post about the garden here at Gift for Gardener